V8 bridging protocol

Layerswap V8 is the first trustless asset bridging protocol that enables any network to join permissionlessly. It leverages an advanced version of Atomic Swaps for a completely trustless asset exchange between two parties: the user and the solver.

Bridge Deployment API

This API deploys a trustless bridge to your rollup. The automated system requires no manual intervention, completing the entire bridge deployment process in under 5 minutes. Once deployed, your network is instantly accessible for cross-chain bridging on Bridge UI.

Getting Started

Follow the instructions below to learn how to autonomously deploy a trustless bridge on any rollup.

1) Get API Keys

The Layerswap V8 Bridge Deployment API is currently in early-access. To request your API keys, please fill out this form.

2) Call the Deploy Bridge Endpoint

Here’s an example for deploying a bridge on the OP Stack rollup:

curl --request POST \
  --url https://atomic-dev.layerswap.cloud/api/v0.2/deployment \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --header 'X-V8-APIKEY: <api-key>' \
  --data '{
  "chain_id": 45646545646,
  "network_name": "YourNetwork_TESTNET",
  "network_display_name": "Your Network Testnet",
  "logo_url": "<url to logo>",
  "network_group": "EVM_OPTIMISM_EIP1559",
  "is_testnet": true,
  "canonical_bridge_address": "0x1200000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "gas_price_oracle": "0x420000000000000000000000000000000000000F",
  "native_asset_symbol": "ETH",
  "native_asset_decimals": 18,
  "public_rpc": "https://ethereum.publicnode.com",
  "private_rpc": "https://ethereum.publicnode.com",
  "address_lookup_explorer_template": "https://etherscan.io/address/{0}",
  "tx_lookup_explorer_template": "https://etherscan.io/tx/{0}"

For more endpoints and a detailed explanation of each, check the API Reference.

3) Check Deployment Status

To monitor the deployment process, periodically call the Deployment Status endpoint:

curl --request GET \
  --url https://atomic-dev.layerswap.cloud/api/v0.2/deployment/{deploymentId} \
  --header 'X-V8-APIKEY: <api-key>'

Continue polling until the response status is Completed.

4) Access Your Network for Bridging

Once the deployment is complete, your bridge will be available for access. Visit Layerswap V8 to start bridging.

Get Involved